Micro science Combostill Manufacturer,Supplier and Exporter

Micro science Combostill

Product Code : EL-CL-10292
Educational lab Equipment india is a leading Micro science Combostill Manufacturer,and suppliers

The widely used in school labs around the world, while also having applications in research. 
Most activities can be set up and conducted in roughly a third of the time of traditional methods when using the While the smaller volumes of chemicals required mean huge cost savings and a much safer laboratory environment. Moreover, the cost, safety and simplicity of microscience methods makes it much easier to implement teaching where smaller groups or even individuals conduct their own experiments, resulting in much better learning outcomes.
The Combostill is designed to replace expensive organic chemistry apparatus, microscience apparatus provides many significant advantages over more traditional methods. 

The comes with a Combo plate included, and has the following features:
Extremely safe
Time reduced drastically for any given experimental procedure
Energy requirement very low in order to initiate reaction
Minimizes chemical costs saving up to 80% compared to traditional apparatus
Realistic structure so students are led very comfortably into micro science procedures


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